LeanXcale is a spinoff of Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and INESC that has been created to exploit commercially the core results of the CumuloNimbo, LeanBigData and CoherentPaaS projects. The startup commercializes an ultra-scalable integral BIG data management platform that provides:
- An ultra-scalable full ACID full SQL relational database.
 -Transactional versions of NoSQL data stores, including HBase and MongoDB.
- Global transactions across SQL and NoSQL.
 -An OLAP engine that works over the operational data delivering real-time analytics (that is a database with both OLTP and OLAP capabilities).
 -Integration with complex event processing, in particular, with the Storm platform.

LeanXcale has been awarded in the EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge startup competition in 2014 in the Future Cloud topic. The CEO of LeanXcale has a 15-year experience in European projects having participated in 10 of them, 5 of them as project coordinator (Stream, Adapt) or technical coordinator (CumuloNimbo, CoherentPaaS, LeanBigData), and with relevant position in several others such as Scientific Director in NEXOF-RA and chief-editor of the research agenda in NESSI-Grid. LeanXcale team has also a 10-year experience in participating in EU projects including the aforementioned ones and others such as GORDA.

The main contribution of LXS to the project is the integration of its big data platform to support the real-time big data management required by CrowdHEALTH. LXS focuses on the creation of CrowdHEALTH’s Big Data solution and analytics framework, building upon the ultra-scalable LeanXscale Big Data platform.

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