EOPYY is a National Organization of Greece, whose main purpose is the purchase of health services for its insured, pensioners and their dependent members. EOPYY’s main objectives include:  - The establishment of rules for design, quality, development, evaluation, safety and efficiency of the health services market, managing and controlling funding.  - The establishment of criteria and contract terms for the purchase of health services with institutions of public and private sector as well as affiliated doctors.  - The negotiation with all affiliated providers of their remuneration, their contract terms with EOPYY. EOPYY - since its establishment in 2012 - has incorporated the vast majority of Greek social security funds’ health sector. Its insured base includes approximately 10.000.000 insurees, coming from the social security institutes of the employed, the freelancers, the public employees and other industry funds. EOPYY, as a partner at CrowdHEALTH, is the contributor on behalf of Greece that owns the data of virtually all insured citizens of Greece. EOPYY acts as a main actor in the development of the health both short and long policies.

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