Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica Spa (ENG) was founded in 1980, and it is currently the first IT group in Italy, among the top 10 IT groups in Europe, with over 7.000 employees and 40 branch offices in Italy, Belgium, Latin America and USA. The group produces IT innovation to more than 1.000 large clients, with a complete offer combining system and business integration, outsourcing, cloud services, consulting, and proprietary solutions. Engineering Data Centres offer business continuity and IT infrastructure management to about 15.000 servers and 230.000 workstations. In 2012, consolidated revenues are 770 millions of euro, with a share of 7% of domestic market, and 12% of annual turnover resulting from overseas activities.
Engineering operates through seven different business units: Finance, Central Government, Local Government and Healthcare, Energy & Utilities, Industry and Telecoms, delivering innovative IT solutions to main vertical markets: Aerospace, Insurance, Automotive, Banks, Consumer Products, Defence and Aerospace, Energy & Utilities, Training, Central & Local Government, Homeland Security, Life Science, Manufacturing, Media, International Organisation, Retail, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Transports, Welfare.
Since 1987, Engineering innovation capability is supported by its Central Unit of Research & Development, with around 250 researchers currently involved in over 50 research projects co-funded by national and international authorities. The R&D Unit is located across six different locations in Italy and in Europe, with a shared investment of 30 million of euro for the year 2013.
Engineering holds different responsibilities within the international research community, including technical and overall co-ordination of large research projects and consortia. In particular, the company is core partner of EIT ICT Labs in Italy (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) focused on leveraging ICT for Quality of Life; founding partner of the Future Internet PPP initiative; member of the Board of EOS (European Organisation for Security); core partner of NESSI (Networked European Software and Service Initiative); founding partner of the Big Data Value Public Private Partnership [BDVA14 - Online at:].
Engineering is an active member of most international open source communities and founder of SpagoWorld, a free/open source initiative managed by Engineering. The company is corporate member of OW2 Consortium and Eclipse Foundation.
The Engineering Healthcare Division is the first technological, consulting and management firm in Italy for eHealth, on all government levels –national, regional and corporate: present in 60% of Italian healthcare institutions with 21 regional projects, 550 specialist professionals and 3 research and development laboratories exclusively dedicated to the healthcare sector.
Engineering is a permanent member of eHtel (, IHE Italy and HL7 Italy. Its flagship product (AREAS) has a lot of IHE certifications (68 certifications on 39 different interoperability profiles) participating to all the editions of the Connect-‐a-‐thon IHE Europa.
The Engineering department which is involved in this project is the Research and Development Laboratory (with different branches throughout Italy). Specifically, the working group is able to provide competences and expertise in the following activities: data modelling, big data applications, stream data analytics, software specification, apps development/test/deployment, continuous integration, dissemination and exploitation, business analysis and sustainability.
In March 2015, Engineering CTO highlighted the interest of the company for moving toward the integration of Internet of Things, Cloud and Big Data technologies, in order to create the conditions for a deep transformation in the commercial offering for specific markets, including energy, mobility, telco, environment and governance.
Engineering has 6 Data Centers (DC) distributed throughout Italy that guarantees the highest standards of security, reliability and efficiency. Pont Saint Martin and Turin Data Centers are configured with an “extended campus” architecture in order to best respond to market needs. The "Virtual Data Center" solution of Engineering allows a very high standard of development, security and control of the business, in all market areas.
In CrowdHEALTH, Engineering leads the Social Holistic Health Records work package (WP3), undertaking tasks of defining and developing the Next-generation Health Records Ontologies (the so called Social Holistic Health Records). Engineering also focuses on the formulation and management of HHR networks enabling the information exchange and the identification of events, trends and sentiments which are exploited in sequel for the risk analysis and assessment. Moreover, Engineering leads the integration of the tools and mechanisms designed and prototyped in WPs 3, 4, and 5 according to the architecture specification.