The 4th Consortium meeting of the CrowdHEALTH project took place in Rome. Key aspect in this meeting was to discuss and decide aspects related to implementation, integration and demonstration of functionalities. The definition and format of the demonstrators was also decided:

  • The HHR demonstrator will show how an EHR transforms to an HHR with the corresponding information. The goal is to show all the aspects of the process (and outcomes of each mechanism involved – e.g. also the aggregation).
  • The Data store demonstrator will show how the FHIR is stored and the corresponding underlying tables (to show the “mapping” between structured documents and columns).
  • The Context analysis demonstrator will show the identification of context based on a specific dataset.
  • The Data cleaning demonstrator will be shown with HULAFE data.
  • Different visualizations based on different criteria will be also shown.
  • The Clinical pathways mining will be demonstrated for patients with obesity and the Forecasting and causal analysis with the SLOfit data.
  • The Risk stratification demonstrator will show the JSI approach (with SLOfit data) for the next 12 months.
  • The Policy modelling demonstrator will showcase the policy models with the corresponding KPIs.
  • The Policy Development Toolkit demonstrator will showcase the main functionalities, linked with the data store and the health analytics tools.

The Use Case Partners also described their scenarios, focusing on what will be demonstrated in the coming months, what data will be used and which CrowdHEALTH components will be utilized.