Anton Gradišek
Institut Jozef Stefan

SLOfit is a national surveillance system for physical activity and motor development of children and youth. Thanks to the SLOfit data children, youth, and their parents can monitor their physical and motor development. SLOfit includes annual systematic measurements of children, 3 anthropometrics (body weight, height and triceps skinfold) and 8 efficiency-related physical fitness measurements (sit ups, run, stand and reach, etc.), which are performed every April.

Within the CrowdHEALTH project, our task is to develop various modules that will allow policy-makers tackle health-related risks coming from obesity or low physical fitness. The forecasting module uses the data of an individual student and forecasts the parameters at the age of 18. The risk assessment module looks at risks related to being over- or underweight and at risks related to low cardiorespiratory or muscular fitness. The intervention module looks at decrease of risks if certain interventions are carried out, such as additional PE classes or raising awareness about healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.