John Mantas
Association European Federation Formedical Informatics

ICIMTH stands for International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare. The Conference has a major focus on the applications of Biomedical Informatics from Clinical Informatics, Health Informatics to Public Health Informatics as well as on ICT applications in the Healthcare domain.  Management and Organisational Issues play a crucial role in the implementation of Biomedical Informatics applications.

the 16th edition of ICIMTH took place in Athens on 6-8 July 2018.  More than 25 posters, 1 workshop, 6 keynotes and 70 oral presentations with topics related to the above domains were included in the scientific program

CrowdHEALTH project was successfully represented by Anton Gradisek from the Josef Stefan Institute with the presentation entitled: “Physical fitness Forecasting and Risk estimation in Slovenian Schoolchildren.” Athanasios Kiourtis from the University of Piraeus gave also a presentation under the title : “Matching Ontologies to HL7 FHIR towards their syntactic and semantic similarity.” The audience, more than 100 participants, were experts to the field of medical informatics, scientists, computer engineers , healthcare and academic professionals and healthcare students.Accepted full papers will be published soon by IOS Press in the series “Studies in Health Technology and Informatics”.