The Health Department Valencia-La Fe is one of the health provision areas belonging to the Health Care System of the Region of Valencia (Spain), under the umbrella of the Valencia Health Agency (AVS). This Health Department covers a concrete geographical area located in the south area of the city of Valencia and coordinates all the healthcare services provided in the territory, from primary to tertiary care, covering 300.000 inhabitants directly and a catchment area adding up to 515.000 persons. The Department has a central management based in the Hospital La Fe, the biggest reference hospital in the region and one of the most important centers in Spain. Additionally, the Health Department has large experience carrying out a set of pilots for validating the impact of integrated services and ICT-tools for chronic patients deployed as part of their service portfolio, and has been awarded with three stars as one of the Reference Sites of the European Partnership Initiative in Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPAHA).

The Health Department organizes its research through a Health Research Institute La Fe (IISLAFE), whose role is to enable the realization of the research and innovation activities that could later contribute to the improvement of the actual health care processes and to perform any type of evaluation and piloting to be done within the health area. More concretely, LA FE is well-known in Spain as a leading hospital in the management of several diseases, in the provision of hospital at home services and in pursuing of the integration of all the care levels.

Health Department La Fe has deployed Electronic Health Record at different care levels, generation a volume up to 20 million of data related to our Health Department are organized in a system of datamarts. Data that we incorporate to each datamart and compound our datawarehouse come from several information systems within involving: the clinical activity and assists areas including emergency care settings, outpatient, hospitalization, surgical unit, home hospitalization and casuistry attended; systems diagnostic tests and microbiology laboratory results and; Hospital management and human resources and economic management. In total we now have distributed 5,212 248 982 623 rows and 693 columns tables. Our system is centralized in one database manager (SQL Server). System that compounds our data warehouse consists of a total of 16 datamart that among all make up our data warehouse and a total of 735 tables. 13 datamart are updated once a day, one do it twice a day, one weekly and finally there is a monthly update datamart bringing the volume of data grows very quickly due to the level of detail for storage further analysis. Datamarts structure is hierarchical, so that datamarts containing demographic and morbidity of patients according to different classifiers implemented, centralize this information to avoid any discrepancies between basic patient information that can be displayed in different studies and projects.

The Health Department Valencia-La Fe leads the CrowdHEALTH use case of Data value in healthcare emerging from medication centers, where the collaboration between public authorities and Health professionals sharing care management data is promoted. What is more, HULAFE leads the work package of data value exploitation: policy making, disease prevention, healthy life support, and personalized care (WP5), offering their expertise in triggering events of Big Data analytics that can drive for the effective definition and adaptation of health policies.

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